Pornographic video named on Nazneen Munni, 2 arrested
Nur Hossain Nuru and Sajib Mia, Two Jubadal and Chatra Adhikar Parishad activists arrested for spreading Pornographic video videos in the name of a re-known woman journalist. Victim Journalist Naznin Munni is working as a presenter in a private television channel 71TV. She is also known for her feminist activism. Two accused arrested in the case filed under the Pornography Niyantran Ain,2012 filed by journalist Nazneen Munni.
Police said Nur Hossain Nuru and Sajeeb Mia were arrested for spreading nasty and disturbing videos in the name of Naznin Munni. During the preliminary interrogation, they said that the porno video was photoshopped and fabricated on the instruction of some upper-level political leaders. The arrested indicates a name, Tariqul Islam Tanmoy, vice-president of Sabujbagh Thana Committee of Chhatra Odhikar Parishad and senior leader of Jubadal.
Gulshan police arrested Nur Hossain Nuru from Halishahar in Chittagong and Sajeeb Mia from Narsingdi on Friday (February 11) with the help of technological intelligence.
Presenter and journalist Nazneen Munni said to BBC, ‘Online bullying and harassment is nothing new to me, But this time the situation I am facing has gone too far. It’s continuing to use my name in another porn video.
Nazneen Munni thinks that she is being harassed for her profession. She said, ‘The television channel I work for has a kind of political identity; everyone thinks that it acts as a spokesperson for the government or acts on behalf of the government. Since then, we have always been in the grip of opposition political parties. Munni said that one of my followers on Facebook first informed me that a nasty, fake video in my name had already spread online.
I have my own official Facebook page. Some of my followers came there and started knocking that ‘Apui, a pornographic video in your name is spreading. You know what? The subject was shocking to me when a follower sent me the video in the inbox.
On Saturday (12 February 2022) Dhaka Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner Asaduzzaman (Gulshan Zone) told reporters the detainees had political identities and were involved in anti-government political parties and organizations.
Journalist Nazneen Munni said, ‘Spreading fake pornographic videos in my name has created a lot of stress in me. That’s why I want to know who is involved. Whoever believed and who didn’t believe, more than that, I thought I should see who was causing this. ‘ She claimed she was targeted for political purposes. The police think so too.