A tragic incident that took place in the Barodona Moulvhipara area of Sadar Union in Satkania Upazila, Chittagong, a young woman has reportedly taken her own life following humiliation by her boyfriend’s family. According to sources, 18-year-old Roni Akhtar was in a relationship with 22-year-old Aminur Rahman for six months, during which she was coerced into engaging in sexual activity under the guise of love and marriage. Aminur is alleged to have used persuasive language and made false promises to Roni, even taking her to various hotels and motels in Cox’s Bazar where he forced her to spend nights as husband and wife.
On the evening of March 13th, Roni went to Aminur’s house to demand marriage. However, instead of being welcomed, she was insulted and pushed out of the house. Roni then attempted suicide by drinking poison on her way back home. Aminur’s family members took her to a private hospital in the upazila, and from there, she was transferred to Lohagara Upazila Health Complex, where she was pronounced dead.
Aminur, the son of deceased Sabbir Ahmed, from Ward No. 8 Bardona Maulvi Para of Satkania Sadar Union, is currently absconding. He started a business selling cosmetics in Cox’s Bazar’s Chakria about a year ago. Six months ago, Aminur Rahman met Roni Akhtar, and the two started dating. However, their relationship took a tragic turn when Roni was reportedly coerced into engaging in sexual activity by Aminur under the guise of love and marriage and finally she dead for betrayal, humiliation and social shame
A case was filed at the police station on the evening of March 14th, and the police are continuing their efforts to apprehend the accused. The victim’s family is alleging that Aminur instigated Roni’s suicide, and they are demanding justice.
According to Officer-in-Charge (OC) Yasir Arafat of Satkania Police Station, the Surathal report did not reveal any physical injuries on the girl’s body. It is suspected that she may have committed suicide by ingesting poison, as indicated by the attending doctor. The victim’s father, Sadek Hossain, filed a case at the police station on Tuesday evening, accusing someone of inciting his daughter to take her own life. The police are making efforts to apprehend the suspect.